We cannot allow players to play any season games if this process isn’t completed!

To fulfil our requirements with Football Victoria (FV), all players are required to be registered. There is no additional charge for this. It ensures players are insured and teams are able to play. Without everyones registration, teams will forfeit matches.


  1. Make sure you have a passport style photo of the player ready on your phone or laptop

To register the player/keeper:

  1. Go to:
  2. Press get started
  3. Then:
    a.If you had registered last year – Press Sign In and sign in with your existing account
    b. If this is your first time, press Continue and create a new account
  4. Enter the details of the player
  5. On the Product Select page, select the player type. Be sure to select this year 2021

6. Press continue
7. Enter additional player details
8. Upload player photo
9. Select all tickboxes as below. When you agree to the terms and conditions, a popup will appear. You need to scroll down and press Accept All T&C’s displayed

10. On the payment page, scroll down and press Submit and Pay Later

11. Your process is complete. You should see the following: